Shooting through demons is fun for so long until every chapter is the same. It was fun for a while until the game is repetitive with the gameplay which is boring. One of the boss fights is annoying and dumb. Then there are some boring moments where you have to jump on ledges to another to get across which is frustrating and boring. It's very repetitive and gets old halfway through. It's all action packed and first person shooter in blasting through levels of demons and sawing through them. The controls is simple but confusing when you have to remember the buttons to use the special in guns or have to go in the options menu to change the gun special. Which delivered a fun and horrifying first person shooter.
I am still a fan of Doom 3 when it came out for the Xbox. Nothing but a heavy rock blasting and a lot of big guns and demons you got to shoot through. Game play is only fun for a few chapters until the last half of the game gets boring. Until it gets very repetitive once you continue further. It is only fun for a couple of chapters in the campaign. Every room you go too it is all about how many enemies can we throw at you. This one is no different but adding different levels. This sequel does not add anything fresh to the series. The plot has always been thin on these games. The Doom slayer battling through dimensional demons and this time trying to stop them from destroying earth. Doom Eternal continues were the last game left off.